Institutions in DigiCrop.Net feature a unique set of research infrastructures. Large-scale field experiments provide a test field to further develop technologies under realistic agricultural conditions. State-of-the-art equipment is used to push for new innovations and to ultimately transform sustainable crop production.
I-FARM stands for “Illinois Farming and Regenerative Management”. In an 80-acre agricultural testbed I-FARM researchers test new synergistic, sustainable, and regenerative practices for growing commodity crops and raising livestock.
SoyFACE (Soybean Free Air Concentration Enrichment) is an innovative facility for growing crops under production field conditions in an atmosphere that has higher levels of carbon dioxide and ozone, higher temperature and altered soil water availability.

National Center for Supercomputing Applications
At NCSA, the advanced cyberinfrastructure and expertise provides a hub for transdisciplinary research that unites academic institutions and global companies in search of the answers to the world’s most challenging problems.
TERRA-REF Phenotyping Gantry System
Breeding is currently limited by the speed at which phenotypes can be measured, and the information that can be extracted from these measurements. TERRA REF is generating reference data sets from a variety of sensors and sensing platforms.

University of Illinois Autonomous Farm
The Illinois Autonomous Farm unites researchers, industry leaders, educators, and stakeholders to drive research, education, and outreach for autonomous systems in agriculture across Illinois. It is a shared testbed facility to advance artificial intelligence research for agriculture.

ETH Zurich
Agroscope: Multi-environmental sites for field crops
Agroscope is the Swiss Confederation’s center for agricultural research. Agroscope contributes to a sustainable agriculture and food sector, and to maintain an intact environment. Agroscope conducts tests from the Jura across the midland and the Alps, to the Ticino.

ETH Research Station for Plant Sciences in Eschikon-Lindau
The research station for plant sciences in Lindau is being operated by several groups of the department Environmental Systems Science and Biology. It offers state-of-the-art glasshouse, growth cabinet, lab and field facilities for basic and applied research.

Field Phenotyping Platform (FIP)
The FIP is a unique prototype for automated, image-based crop analysis and will facilitate research in plant breeding and precision agriculture. FIP consists of a rope camera system with four masts at the ETH research station Lindau-Eschikon, Switzerland.
SISAL is a research infrastructure for Sustainable Agriculture and Agroecology. The project is proposed, tentatively funded, and to start in 2025.
Swiss FluxNet
The Swiss FluxNet combines flux sites in Switzerland where CO2 and H2O vapour fluxes (at some sites also CH4 and N2O fluxes) are measured at ecosystem scale using the eddy-covariance technique. It currently encompasses six long-term ecosystem sites covering the major land-use types in Switzerland.

PhenoRob Central Experiment
The PhenoRob central experiment comprises an area of 10 ha at Campus Klein-Altendorf. These experiments provide a testbed for many groups’ robot and sensor development and deliver plant data for the modelling groups.

Rhizotron Facility Selhausen
The Rhizotron facility is an experimental facility for investigating in-situ field plants’ root growth. It is on an experimental field in Selhausen close to Forschungszentrum Jülich. Operated jointly by IBG-3 and PhenoRob, this facility is the only one of its kind in the world.
The living lab patchCROP is a large-scale experiment at ZALF. It serves as a platform to investigate abiotic and biotic effects and interactions in small-structured field units and site-specific crop rotations and management practices adapted to the heterogeneity of the area.
Farmer Space
The digital experimentation field FarmerSpace at IfZ offers a joint trial platform for stakeholders from practical agriculture. Here, stakeholders can jointly develop agricultural practice requirements for digital plant protection and prepare options to introduce digital technologies.
Mixed-cropping experiment
PhenoRob conducts a big mixed-cropping experiment at Campus Wiesengut with the aim of looking deeper into the systematic approaches to diversifying cropping systems. Check out this video on PhenoRob’s Core Project 5: New Field Arrangement for more insights.

Campus Klein-Altendorf
The Campus Klein-Altendorf (CKA) is a external laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bonn. Numerous experiments of the university institutes as well as cooperating research institutions are carried out here, with a focus on topics related to crop production.
PhenoRob Technologies
PhenoRob has a large fleet of robots and UAVs that are used for research in the experimental fields. PhenoRob generates a huge amount of research data with the sensors attached at the robots and UAVs.
Campus Wiesengut
The Campus Wiesengut is the ecological teaching and experimental farm of the University of Bonn. The farm with about 80 ha of arable land and grassland offers a platform for current research questions on agriculture and nature conservation.
AgroScapeLab Quillow
In order to achieve the sustainable development goals regarding sustainable crop production, mitigation of and adaption to climate change, and maintaining soil fertility and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, experimental research at the landscape-scale is needed. In 2011, ZALF researchers therefore established the AgroScapeLab Quillow (ASLQ), a landscape laboratory located in the Quillow catchment (NE Germany; approx. 160 km2).

Wageningen University & Research
Netherlands Plant Eco-phenotyping Centre (NPEC)
NPEC facilitates state-of-the-art measurement of plant phenotypes to support research on genotype-phenotype associations. Establishing these associations is critical for the development of novel climate-proof crops and cropping systems. These novel crops and systems are necessary to secure our future high-quality food production, and improve the ecological sustainability of food production.

Agroecology & Technology Fieldlab
The Agroecology & Technology Fieldlab facilitates multidisciplinary research aimed at developing nature-inclusive and regenerative agricultural systems. On approximately 80 hectares of fertile reclaimed land, Wageningen University is creating room for experiments and exchanges and laying the foundation for an ecologically and economically sustainable agricultural system.

Bioscience Omics Facility
The facility integrates of the complete omics infrastructure of Bioscience with integral links to expertise, knowledge and facilities elsewhere at WUR. Expertise and equipment are dedicated to state-of-the-art high throughput analyses of DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites and whole cells. The Bioscience Omics Facility‘s infrastructure and expertise offers a guarantee of the highest quality possible.

Detection platforms for diagnostics plant pathogens
Major agricultural crops are threatened by various pests and diseases. Reliable diagnostic assays enable timely detection, identification and/or monitoring of such pests and diseases. The diagnostic assays and products of the Detection platforms for diagnostics plant pathogens are contributing to a better preservation of plant health in farming, horticulture, and the cultivation of ornamentals.

Greenhouse Facilites for Greenhouse Horticulture & Flower Bulbs
The Kasfaciliteiten Glastuinbouw & Bloembollen has more than one hectare of net square meters available for research at its research location in Bleiswijk. This facility is spread over more than 100 different departments. For example, there are sections that can be used to investigate interactions between plant viruses, insects and fungi, and sections where crops can be exposed to high fungal or insect pressure.

Farm of the Future
Farm of the Future is a Dutch initiative in which the Univeristy and Dutch farmers are working together on feasible solutions to the challenges faced by agriculture in the Netherlands. The farm is located in Lelystad, in the Dutch polder province of Flevoland. Farm of the Future hopes to build a network of international partners (businesses, research institutes, governments) working on similar initiatives.

Test locations
Wageningen University & Research has a number of test locations, some of which have greenhouses and a laboratory. They all work according to the PD-certified guidelines, also known as Good Experimental Practise (GEP). On the basis of this international quality standard, they are authorised to carry out certification research for crop protection products. The test locations are also GLOBAL-GAP certified.

The Unifarm facilitates and supervises the cultivation part of plant and crop research. They combine a practical approach, technical knowledge, and service attitude to professionally guide experiments at a competitive price. Unifarm has available 240 ha of experimental fields with different soil types, 15 000 m2 glass, climate rooms, climate cabinets, cold/freezer rooms, storage rooms, processing rooms, etc.

Wageningen University & Research Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing Facility (UARSF)
With the UARSF – compared to satellite-based remote sensing – more dedicated science experiments can be prepared. This includes for example higher frequent observations in time, observations of an object under different observation angels for characterization of BRDF and flexibility in use of cameras and sensor types.