Study Programs
DigiCrop.Net is developing the next generation of students. From bachelor’s to master’s degrees and targeted PhD programs, the partners equip a new era of scientists with crucial skills to solve the problems of the future.
ETH Zürich
Master’s Programs

Agricultural Sciences
Current questions on agriculture and food production are the focus of attention of the M.Sc. “Agricultural Sciences”. Students gain knowledge about relevant research questions and findings from both fundamental and applied research. They operate successfully in the balance between globalisation and regional identity, competitiveness and sustainability, and the interests of business and society.
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Environmental Sciences
The Master’s degree program “Environmental Sciences” forms the basis for scientific work at a high academic level. It trains students to handle complex problems and teaches them skills that are relevant to a wide range of careers. The department of Environmental Systems Sciences offers an environment for high-quality research on a wide range of topics.
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Robotics, Systems and Control
Creating intelligent robots and systems requires skills from a broad range of subjects. It poses fundamental questions about the design, physical modeling and control of complex and highly interactive systems. The Master in Robotics, Systems and Control offers students a multidisciplinary education, allowing them to develop innovative and intelligent products and systems to meet today’s challenges: energy supply, environment, health and mobility. It is a specialized program offered by the Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT) in cooperation with the Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET) and the Department of Computer Science (D-INFK).
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The field of geomatics comprises geographic information science and cartography, geodesy and navigation, cadastral and land surveying, engineering geodesy and geomonitoring, remote sensing and photogrammetry. Society needs experts in each of these areas but it also needs engineers with abilities in several of them for interdisciplinary collaboration with other trades and disciplines. The Master’s programme enables students to broaden and deepen their expertise in geospatial data acquisition, data analysis and visualisation through various electives and a tutorial system.
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The Department of Physics provides a Master programme with a broad selection of courses, covering all major aspects of modern physics. The Master programme encourages breadth, but it should also enable students to specialise further, if they choose to do so.
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Bachelor’s Programs in German
Umweltnaturwissenschaften, B.Sc.
Raumbezogene Ingenieurwissenschaften, B.Sc.
PhenoRob at the University of Bonn
Master’s Programs

Crop Science
The master’s program “Crop Science” covers basic aspects of the production of high-quality plant-based feeds, foods and renewable raw materials and explores the larger picture of how all these aspects all fit together, also considering the national and international levels. This is a research-oriented degree program that aims to provide students with in-depth knowledge, theoretical and methodological competence, and knowledge of the processes needed to conduct autonomous and innovative research in crop science (food, feed and resources).
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Geodetic Engineering
The master’s degree program Geodetic Engineering is intended for students with a first academic degree in the field of geodesy and geoinformation or related fields such as computer science, mathematics, physics, geosciences or electrical engineering. In the initial phase of the program, modules are designed to close knowledge gaps. The program then offers three profiles for students to deepen their understanding of a specific area. The profiles reflect the research priorities of the geodetic institutes: Mobile Sensorics and Robotics, Geodetic Earth System Sciences and Data Analysis as well as Geodetic Information and Spatial Development. Click here to learn more.

Agricultural and Food Economics
How can a competitive and sustainable agri-food sector help preserve natural resources? The field of agricultural economics answers this question among others, and respective expertise will be very much needed in the future when facing the challenges of a growing population, increasing land use conflicts, changing consumer behavior and progressing climate change. The Master of Science degree program in Agricultural and Food Economics (AFECO) at the University of Bonn provides students with the necessary skills and knowledge to analyze and further develop economic activities. This includes examining associated policies along the entire food value chain, i.e. from farming to processing, trade and consumption.
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Computer Science
The master’s program “Computer Science” focuses on theoretical computer science and is closely connected to the ongoing research of our institute’s research groups in the areas of Algorithmics, Graphics/Vision/Audio, Information and Communication Management, Intelligent Systems. Students will be provided with expert knowledge, skills and methods as well as interdisciplinary key qualifications required for both a scientific and a professional career.
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Agricultural Science and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropic
The master’s degree program in Agricultural Sciences and Resource Management in the Tropics and Subtropics is based on a multidisciplinary approach that covers agricultural and ecological issues as well as social, economic and political contexts. The degree program focuses on the basic and applied management of natural resources for agricultural research and development in tropical and subtropical regions. In the course of the degree program, students develop a holistic, interdisciplinary understanding of the structure, use, interaction and management of natural resources while also becoming familiar with a systematic perspective on resource management. In addition to lectures and interactive seminars on modern questions of resource management, students are offered practical training in methodology and research technologies as well as practical field experience in (sub)tropical regions.
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Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs in German
Geodäsie und Geoinformation, B.Sc.
Geodäsie und Geoinformation, M.Sc.
AIFARMS at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Master’s Programs

Crop Sciences
The Department of Crop Sciences advances agriculture through local and international research to increase food security while protecting the environment. The internationally recognized faculty leads cutting-edge research programs that educate the next generation of agricultural professionals.
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Agricultural & Applied Economics
Students are provided with training in economic theory along with the quantitative skills needed to pursue careers as analysts and managers in industry, government, and related organizations. Available course offerings cover a broad range of potential specialization areas within agricultural and applied economics to suit students’ interests.
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Agricultural & Biological Engineering
Agricultural and biological engineering is the application of mathematics, physical and biological science, and engineering to agriculture, food systems, energy, natural resources, the environment, and related biological systems. This double-degree program places special emphasis on environmental protection and the biological interface of plants, animals, soils, and microorganisms with the design and performance of environments, machines, mechanisms, processes, and structures.
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Learn from experts at the Bioengineering faculty who are performing research in the areas of Bio-Imaging at Multi-Scale, Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Engineering, Bio-Micro and Nanotechnology, Computational and Systems Bioengineering, and Synthetic Bioengineering.
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Focus “Crop Science”: The genomic and proteomic projects are generating large amounts of complex biological data that require effective storage, retrieval, analysis and interpretation. The bioinformatics degree program provides students with the skills necessary to augment the understanding and use of agricultural, biological and medical information and resources through the application of molecular, chemical, physical, computational, statistical, mathematical and informatic techniques.
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Focus “Computer Science”: The Department of Computer Science is one of the longest established computer science departments in the world and is consistently ranked as a top-5 graduate program. The M.Sc. in Bioinformatics, Computer Science Concentration is an interdisciplinary degree that can be counted toward the PhD in Computer Science.
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Computer Science
The master’s program “Computer Science” is a research-oriented degree that can be counted toward the PhD in Computer Science. Opportunity exists for specializing in computational science and engineering via the Computational Science & Engineering optional graduate concentration.
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Plant Biology
The Department teaches and conducts foundational research in plant biology. Its focus is integrative. Biological processes are investigated at multiple levels of organization using molecular, biochemical, physiological, morphological, and ecological approaches.
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Bachelor’s Programs
Agricultural & Biological Engineering: Agricultural Engineering, B.Sc.
Agricultural & Biological Engineering, B.Sc.
Agricultural & Consumer Economics, B.Sc.
Agricultural Leadership, Education, & Communications, B.Sc.
Computer Science + Crop Sciences, B.Sc.
Engineering Technology & Management for Agricultural Systems, B.Sc.
Wageningen University & Research
Master’s Programs

Biosystems Engineering
The master’s programme Biosystems Engineering focuses on the development of technology for the production, processing and storage of food and agricultural non-food, management of the rural area, renewable resources and agro-industrial production chains. In all cases it concerns innovation and sustainable technology. The interaction between technology, plants, animals, the environment and society plays a central role.
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Economics of Sustainability
This MSc program focuses on the interactions between economic actors and the natural environment. Students are trained as a quantitative economists who are able to analyze real-world problems in food systems, natural resources and the living environment, and to provide economic solutions that promote transitions to a sustainable future. Topics include environmental degradation and pollution, climate change, sustainable markets, the bio-economy, and urban and rural development in light of pressing issues such as environmental tipping points, unequal access to resources, and rising inequality.
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Resilient Farming and Food Systems
The Master Resilient Farming and Food Systems focusses on developing the food systems of the future, that balance human needs for food production and security with natural resource use and environmental protection. The programme has an interdisciplinary approach, combing knowledge on agroecology with the societal and sociological context of food production, from a local to a global scale. This makes the programme accessible and challenging for undergraduates from both natural and social science backgrounds.
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